Saturday, June 02, 2007

Day #33: Denia- Arrival Day

In Denia . 26km today - Final Total 2328km.
Dad arriving - lots more pictures later!

Pedal Power to the Costa

Article in the Costa Blanca News 1st June 2007
News Staff Reporter
Tomorrow (Saturday), Michael Brawley will return to Denia after spending just over a month cycling all the way from Scotland.
He kept an internet blog allowing family, friends and anyone who accessed the page to follow his adventures.
It all started on May the 1st, when he left Hamilton, caught a ferry to Belgium, cycled to France, and then through to Spain. Tonight he will spend his last night on the road in Pego, and will cycle (alongside Denia's Bike Team) along the Las Marinas road tomorrow, arriving in Denia at around 12:00.
The final destination is his sister Eileen's house, where anyone wishing to cheer him on can do so at Calle Assagador de Cabanyas 47, past Paidos Public School.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Day #32: Pego

Text from Dad:
"In Pego. Did 66km - 2302km in total. Another day of climbs and descents. Very exillerating. Only 20km to Denia. Mañana

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Email from Christina

Dad forwarded my an email from Christina:

Hola tio !!

It seems that you are enjoying every moment of your "tour", every little story that I hear its like been there ... of course it really helps that you are now talking about Spain and that I've seen your self all dressed up and with the bicicle, I can imagine you in every situation ... " Hola .. hace buen tiempo no ? " Ja ja what a laught .. now you are a reall profesionall ... been able to speak while you are pedalling and speaking in spanish .. waauuhhh!! Thought about trying in other languages ??
The blog its really fantastic, its a shame I'm not very sure of how it works ... I can read it now ... and I hope to be able to write something before you arrive to Denia.
What a bad weather you are having !! It doesn't look like Spain, normally by this time of the year we have allready been at the beach and we have a lovely suntan .... not this year do !! Anyway we have a better weather as in the North so as soon as you arrive you could sit down at the baranda with the computer and read the blog!!

Are you jocking or are you really tring to write poetry ?? I know that my english is terrible ... but Tio Michael it doesn't seem very professional ... in fact I thing Elena or even Ella could of wrote that !!!!

We were yesterday having our Sunday Paella at my Mums, after the normal table discussions we went into the blog to see your progress. Teruel must of been dificult eh? its quite higt and the weather its normally quite cold.
We are really looking forward to see you and that you tell us all your stories, Indurain, moskito fites, weather difficulties ect ... you'll have to write a book ... " what would you do to eat a Paella" .. it sounds good eh ??

Jorge and Elena are staing at ours tonight cause mum its going to pick Eave at the airport, ahhhhh .. how exiting !!!!

Well I'll better get of I have a table full of papers which need to get solved .. I wish I could allready be retired!!
Buen camino peregrino and see you very soon, XXX

Day #31: Ontinyent

Text from Dad:
"In Ontinyent. Did 55km, 2236km in total. Another great day of climbs and descents. Top speed of 75km/h
I text him back to see if that was the top speed going up the hill. He text back to say it was going up with the brakes on

Mum spoke to Dad later on:
He is staying in a three floor Casa Rural, 25euro - he has it all to himself. Had just eaten "Menu del Dia" for 8euro, Gazpacho, Paella and pudding. Local tv reporters were coming to interview him at 4 o'clock and the local press coming at 7 to speak with him. Javi was filming the whole thing. He said he was going to go to bed soon after the pres as he was "washed oot" with all the filming.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Day #30: Almansa

Text from Dad:
"In Almansa. Did 80km 2181km in total. Gears and brakes working hard today. Hard climbs, fast descents and hot! hot! hot! Wonderful

Postcards to Granny Meg

Monday 21/05/2007
This is a real adventure. Now I am in Spain. The weather is still very mixed, however no doubt as I head south it will improve. Tonight I met on of the greatest cyclysts of all time, Miguel Indurain. I could not believe it. Hope you are keeping well & I will see you in about 1 month.

Thursday 24/05/2007
Having a day off of the bike. This morning I visited the house of Goya, an artist, in Euendetodos. Now I am in Zaragoza. At last the weather is typically Spannish (hot). Should be in Denia on 2nd of June.
Lots of Love and Keep Well

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day #29: Requena

Text from Dad:
"In Requena. Did 87km 2101km in total. Great day - got lost but great road climbs and descents. am vioes pm called mum love xx"
Not sure what the last bit is - left it in just in case anyone can translate!!
I text back asking about the weather - he said last 2 days typical Spanish - perfect. I am sure Mum is relieved.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Day #28: Santa Cruz de Moya

Text from Dad:
"Had a great day. In Santa Cruz de Moya. Did 65km, last 15km up a mountain. 2014km in total. Waiting for the only hostel to open."

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Day #27: Teruel

Text from Dad to Mum:
"In Teruel, a lovely hostel (€18.00). Did 77km today, total of 1948km. Buen Viaje tomorrow.
Weather great for bike - cool and cloudy but no rain."