Barcelona #1
Text from mum:
"In Las Ramblas hotel in Barcelona, having pizza and wine while people watching. Temperature perfect.
Logging my Da's Cycling trip from Sunny Hamilton to Denia, Spain.
Text from mum:
"In Las Ramblas hotel in Barcelona, having pizza and wine while people watching. Temperature perfect.
It's Friday night. Tomorrow Ev and I head off to Barcelona. Eileen will run us to Gandia. we get a train there to Valencia and then (wait for it) a first class train to Barcelona where we are booked into a 4 star hotel! Needless to say Ev booked all of this in my absence. If it had been left to me we'd have been in the usual 2 star tourist hotel and we certainly would not have been 1 st class on the train. However, my socialist concience is clear (I never booked it) so I can enjoy it with impunity.
Anway, the lean, athletic cyclist who arrived here last Saturday is already back to the old geezer with the paunch. I can't understand it. It can't be anything to do with the beer, wine, lunches, dinners, etc, because I've been out for 2 early morning runs on the bike. Surely that should have compensated for trying to keep up with the Boyles at the eating and drinking! What's that? Do I hear Brendan saying "You'd need to run a marathon every day to counteract the effects of the Boyle capacity for strong drink!". I've decided that I don't care. Once back home I'll go on a diet and reduce the alcohol consumption.
After Barcelona we head to Montpelier then take a week by hired car to get to Lille. A train from Lille to Brugge for a coupleof nights then back on the Rosyth ferry to normality. I will text Martin each day with a brief progress report and I am sure that he will maintain the Blog updates. Believe it or not I still have not read it all. See holidays, you never get a minute!
Needless to say, this week in my adopted town of Denia, has been fantastic. I do not think there can be anywhere better in the world than my sister, Eileen's, veranda for drinking a bottle (or 2) of wine. In fact, now that I think of it, why am I wasting valuable time writing this?
hasta luego, salud, cheers, bottoms up, chin chin, etc.
Dad, Granda, Mike, Michael, etc. xx
Dad said to put his pictures from his trip up onto the blog - I will get him to caption them when he gets back - unless he wants to keep that for the book!
Some pictures taken by Elena (Javi the cameraman's wife on arrival day). Javier's website can be found here. Have a look at the varied amount of films he has made.
"Critical Mass" will accompany a Scottish Cyclist who Arrives in Denia today
The Critical Mass group plan to leave from El Verger roundabout today where it meets the N332 road from Pego to meet and accompany to Denia a Scottish cyclist of 60 who left the west coast os Scotland by bike on the 1t of May to visit his sister in Denia. The Scotsman has gone through Belgium & France to Spain. He is due to arrive at 12:00. Critical Mass will meet at 9:30 at kilometer 0 of the future cycling path on the old Denia-Carcaixent train route.
Other clubs who will meet him are the Club Cyclista de Denia, Club Desnivell and other bycicle users who believe in bikes as alternate transport means.
The cyclist is unaware of what is being prepared for his arrival, so everything will be a great surprise.
We brought a case full of Dad's cycling stuff home with us from Denia and Mo was empting it to give the clothes a wash and I noticed Da's camera and couldn't resist a quick peak. I am sure Dad will not mind me posting this one.
I have deliberately not brought my diary notes to the computer as I do not intend this to be a list of places that I have passed through or "interesting" buildings that I have seen but more my initial thoughts now that I have arrived at my destination.
I have slept badly for the last 3 nights and I remember sleeping badly for a few nights before I left Scotland. This trip has recreated for me the feeling that Christmas morning had when I was a child. Fantastic!
Right, in no particular order: