Saturday, June 16, 2007

Journey to Lille

Text from mum to Mo:
"Cannot believe it - left the hotel at 10:00am and now on our way to Lille

Text from Mum to Me:
"Arrived in Lille about 12:30 - walked about town very wet. Now going out for something to eat.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Text from mum:
"Arrived Reims at 4 o'clock - found a hotel on main street with balcony. Been to Cathedral and now sitting on street having dinner. Very warm

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Text from mum:
"Just arrived in Mâcon north of Lyon. Unfortunately it is raining - but at least it is warm.

Text from mum:
"Sitting in the street outside a tiny bar resturant having dinner and 2 jugs of wine on our own. Superb - best meal in France so far. €31.00 - off for a wee walk.

Alp D'Huez

Text from Dad:
"Sitting in a cafe at the top of Alp D'Huez. I now know my next challenge - Incredible road and scenery.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Scotsman pedals to Denia - Costa Blanca News Article

By Joe Wickman
Michael Brawley finally arrived at his sister Eileen's house last Saturday concluding his mounth-long cycling journey from Hamilton (Scotland) to Denia.
The atmosphere was full of expectation as the time of his arrival approached on the sunny Saturday that greeted everyone; cameras were taken out of the cases and cava was prepared on the tables.
Soon after, Eileen received a text message confirming Michael's arrival in Denia, which brought all conversations to a halt and a certain sense of tension to her lovely garden.
After a short delay (due to a demonstration, coincidentally, about the importance of using bikes as a means of transport) Michael finally appeared at the bottom of the street that leads up to the house and everyone began cheering him on and taking photographs.
As he, and many cyclists from Denia and Valencia who joined him on the last stretch of the way, entered the gates of the house, he was surprised to be greeted not only by the Spanish branch of the family, but also Scottish relatives who had flown over specially for the occasion.
Surprises and emotions were followed by Denia's sports councillor awarding him with a print of the town's castle.
Michael then shared a first set of anecdotes, but in the back of everyone mind reigned the happiness of seeing the 60 year old safe and sound after this feat.
It all started when he caught a ferry from Scotland and cycled through Belgium, France and Finally from Barcelona to Denia, meeting people including Miguel Indurain and a 76 year old who was embarking on a similar adventure.
Michael says he'd start over again tomorrow if possible and he feels fitter than ever, but he and his wife will be returning to Scotland to pick up their day-to-day lives.... until he decides to go for another bike ride.


Text from mum:
"A magnificent drive up from Avignon, via Sault and lots of typical french villages. The alps are tremendous. Now in a ski resort called Briancon. Weather is beautiful.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Text from dad:
"In Avignon. The hotel is old and lovely within the walled town.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Text from dad:
"In Lunel, via Montpellier. Hotel has veranda over the river. Bottle of wine tonight. Barcelona was great.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Barcelona #2

Text from mum:
"Sitting in Bull ring waiting for it to start at 7:00pm. Believe it or not it is starting bang on time.