It is 5:00 pm. I have just finished a fantastic meal: Duck with all the trimmings. The last 2 days here in Sigournais have been marvellous. I feel like a real celebrity. There are real cycling enthusiasts around here and they are all interested in my trip and in my bike: What weight are you carrying? What gearing are you using? etc. Needless to say, I do not know any of the answers. Yesterday, the local Chateau was opened specially for me and I got a personal conducted tour! I was invited to the Mayors (I cant find the apostrophe symbol on the keyboard, so you will just have to imagine it!) wine cellar for a glass of wine and everybody in the village who hears of this is very jealous. Seemingly it is a very rare occurrence. A huge clap of thunder has just occurred. The weather here has been terrible today. Thank goodness I am not cycling today. Lets hope that there will be an improvement tomorrow. I leave Sigournais tomorrow, and I will be quite sad. Eddy and Benny have been fabulous hosts and the townsfolk are so friendly. I think that there will be an article in the local paper sometime so I hope that Eddy can post it to the blog (or at least Email it to Martin to post it). I have also asked him to Email a copy of the poster that he had pinned up in the town cafe for my arrival.
Incidently, Martin everyone is really impressed by the blog. I do not know how many people here have told me that they are following the progress. This morning one of Eddys friends asked him to come in to translate the latest episode. Well done!
I am feeling good after my few days of gluttony and rest but it is back to work tomorrow (well, hardly work, but you know what I mean). Again, a group from the local cycling club are escorting me to the boundary of Le Vendee - I think, perhaps it is to make sure that I leave, rather than a guard of honour!
Over the next week I expect to cover the last stage in France and get into Spain. I think that the hard work might begin then as it will be impossible to avoid some serious hills. However, if my calculations are correct, I am well on target and I intend to reduce my daily distance anyway. Otherwise I might arrive in Denia before Ev on the 28 May - fat chance! I do not know when I will next get to a computer so this might be my last report for some time. Please keep the Blog messages coming though, I intend to read them all when I get home and they will be cherished souvenirs. I have not read many of them but the ones I have read have been great - thank you all. Incidentally, I did note that Aimee was impressed with my poetry. Well, when I lay on the verge smothered in the sight and smell of the field of lavender I came over all lyrical:
"I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high oer vales and hills
When all at once I spied a crowd
A host of blue lavender"
What do you think? I do not think that it is quite there yet, but it is certainly got a ring to it. It rhymes OK but I do not think that it is scanning properly. I will keep working at it.
Anyway, as usual love to everyone, I am missing you all (especially, Megan, Patrick and Ella) Looking forward to seeing Ev and all the Spanish relations at the end of May and everyone else at the end of June.