Dad - Prologue #1
My contact group now has 16 names. That is all I can muster (and most of them are relatives) - "nae pals" Brawley
I went out today for my first appropriate training run. I loaded up my panniers with all of the items from my check list and set off this morning at 9:00 am. When I am on my trip I had planned to be about 5 hours in the saddle each day. Hopefully starting early (maybe 8:00 am) and finishing around 2:00-2:30 pm (inclusive of stops) to find accommodation. I had estimated around 100 km on a good day and hoped for about 500 km per week (including 1/2 days and rest days). However, I was becoming more aware that I'd never really gone very far with the bike fully loaded. So today was the test.
As I say, I started at 9:00 am and finished at 2:30 pm. I stopped 3 times (for a total time of about 1 hour - to eat and to allow some circulation into my nether regions (Can you get Deep Vein Thrombosis in your derriere?). So, on that basis I was in the saddle for around 4 and a half hours. I covered 87 km. I was quite pleased with that. It was quite windy and my route was fairly hilly - although that is probably pretty typical of what I'll encounter on my trip. Anyway, I knew that I'd been on the bike! But once I had a bit of lunch and a shower I felt brand new. And, I think that I'd be up for it again tomorrow.
If I can average 87 km per day that gives me 522 km per (6 day) week, which I'd be more than happy with. Anything over 450 km will be acceptable I think, and will allow me to do the trip in 4 to 4.5 weeks. The bike felt fine with the load on. I only had one wee wobble when I stood up on the peddles going up a hill and rocked around a little because I forgot about the weight on the back. Other than that, the biggest problem was remembering the load when getting on and off the bike. It felt a bit like, I imagine, balancing a motorbike weight. I got used to it very quickly, however.
I noticed that it did not get dark until 5:45 pm tonight, so I'm hoping that I'll maybe get on the cycle to work next week. If not then certainly after I come back from Andalucia.
I'll need to go now and unpack my panniers or I'll have no underwear for my work tomorrow.
adios y hasta luego
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