Thursday, May 31, 2007

Email from Christina

Dad forwarded my an email from Christina:

Hola tio !!

It seems that you are enjoying every moment of your "tour", every little story that I hear its like been there ... of course it really helps that you are now talking about Spain and that I've seen your self all dressed up and with the bicicle, I can imagine you in every situation ... " Hola .. hace buen tiempo no ? " Ja ja what a laught .. now you are a reall profesionall ... been able to speak while you are pedalling and speaking in spanish .. waauuhhh!! Thought about trying in other languages ??
The blog its really fantastic, its a shame I'm not very sure of how it works ... I can read it now ... and I hope to be able to write something before you arrive to Denia.
What a bad weather you are having !! It doesn't look like Spain, normally by this time of the year we have allready been at the beach and we have a lovely suntan .... not this year do !! Anyway we have a better weather as in the North so as soon as you arrive you could sit down at the baranda with the computer and read the blog!!

Are you jocking or are you really tring to write poetry ?? I know that my english is terrible ... but Tio Michael it doesn't seem very professional ... in fact I thing Elena or even Ella could of wrote that !!!!

We were yesterday having our Sunday Paella at my Mums, after the normal table discussions we went into the blog to see your progress. Teruel must of been dificult eh? its quite higt and the weather its normally quite cold.
We are really looking forward to see you and that you tell us all your stories, Indurain, moskito fites, weather difficulties ect ... you'll have to write a book ... " what would you do to eat a Paella" .. it sounds good eh ??

Jorge and Elena are staing at ours tonight cause mum its going to pick Eave at the airport, ahhhhh .. how exiting !!!!

Well I'll better get of I have a table full of papers which need to get solved .. I wish I could allready be retired!!
Buen camino peregrino and see you very soon, XXX


Martin said...

"I wish I could allready be retired" too

Anonymous said...

hola Eileen, buenos dias, si entras de nuevo en internet y buscas piestopaella, encontrarás algo más que hemos subido. Por cierto ayer estuve creando un blog de deniaenbici para meter esta noticia y no lo encuentro publicado, pero sí que lo subí, tendré que indagar en el blog a ver porqué no lo subió.

Animo, Michael ya está cerca.