Saturday, June 02, 2007

Pedal Power to the Costa

Article in the Costa Blanca News 1st June 2007
News Staff Reporter
Tomorrow (Saturday), Michael Brawley will return to Denia after spending just over a month cycling all the way from Scotland.
He kept an internet blog allowing family, friends and anyone who accessed the page to follow his adventures.
It all started on May the 1st, when he left Hamilton, caught a ferry to Belgium, cycled to France, and then through to Spain. Tonight he will spend his last night on the road in Pego, and will cycle (alongside Denia's Bike Team) along the Las Marinas road tomorrow, arriving in Denia at around 12:00.
The final destination is his sister Eileen's house, where anyone wishing to cheer him on can do so at Calle Assagador de Cabanyas 47, past Paidos Public School.

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