Day #33: Denia- Arrival Day
In Denia . 26km today - Final Total 2328km.
Dad arriving - lots more pictures later!
Logging my Da's Cycling trip from Sunny Hamilton to Denia, Spain.
In Denia . 26km today - Final Total 2328km.
Dad arriving - lots more pictures later!
Looking great Dad!! Congratulationa and well done! I'm really sorry Gerry and I couldn't make it! I'm totally gutted we couldn't be there to cheer you on. I tried everything possible to get the time off work but unfortunately I couldn't! Hope you enjoy your party and have a few wee glasses of wine to celebrate your fantastic achievement!
Lots of love,
Fiona and Gerry xx
Hi Mike
Superbe , you've achieved your dream
What's the next challenge
Benny and Eddie
Congratulations on achieving your goal Michael. Look forward to seeing you soon and hearing all about it.
Linda and David
p.s.will miss reading the daily blog
He looks as fresh as a daisy and is as happy as Larry.If he had to BIKE it home tomorrow there would be no problem whatsoever. Ev is going to have a problem tying him down from now on. Maybe we could add a sidecar to the bike for her!
Don'tforget, all you bloggers, the story hasn't finished until he is back in Hamilton, so keep tuned in for the next few weeks at least.
Love Eileen
It was so good to see you come round the corner and cycle up to Eileen,s house accompanied by all the other cyclists. What a fantastic achievement.We are all so proud of you. Well done.
The reception that Eileen organised was fantastic and everyone had rerr terr.
Well done.Thanks a million.
Nacho, quiero agradecer en nombre de mi hermano y mió a toda la peña que acudió el sábado a la llegada de mi hermano en bici. Son LA PERA! Gente sana en mente y cuerpo.
Esperemos que vuestros reivindicaciones se hagan realidad un día. Por cierto, mi hermano sabe lo de la "CRITICAL MASS" . Parece ser algo global. El mundo necesita mas gente como vosotros con inquietudes, y que estén dispuestos a moverse para conseguir un entorno mejor para todos.
Por favor mándame una pagina web donde el puede enterarse de como va todo, y tu dirección de correo (normal) para poder enviarte una postal.
El blog "piestopaella" seguirá durante un par de semanas todavía, con fotos y comentarios hasta que el este devuelto a Glasgow.
Por cierto, su bici esta como nueva. Ni siquiera se desinflaron los neumáticos. Un pinchazo y un arreglo de cadena en 2.361 kms! Parece un anuncio!!!!
Un abrazo muy fuerte a todos. Eileen
Congratulations, Congratulations, Congratulations - a wonderful achievement and you deserve all the 'highs' that the trip has given you. Only wish I was there to see you arrive - I dreamt about the arrival. Enjoy the 'rest' and of course the remainder of the holiday.
Love to all,
Hi Superstar
Got your E-mail. It sounds as though you had a fantastic time. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and we'll see you when you come home. If you read this in Eileen's tell everyone we are asking for them. We saw some pictures Eileen sent of the crowd in her garden and the banners she had up she really did you well
See you soon Paul and Helen
Well done !!! Looking forward to seeing you, just back from Mass and it is pouring so enjoy the spanish sun !! Norrie and Angela
Many congratulations from all at Markon on a job well done! We've followed your progress with great admiration and no little envy.
Enjoy the holiday and your return trip and we look forward to welcoming you back in July.
Well Done
Well done Da!! You looked fresh as a daisy coming up the hill to Eileen's. I will get some more pictures onto the blog once I get back to Ecosse.
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