Friday, May 11, 2007

Day #11: Sigournais (Updated)

Text from Dad to Mum:
"Arrived in Sigournais at about 11:30 via Cerizay and Pouzauges. Only 53km today, 956km in total."

He phoned and spoke to mum from Eddie's. He is hoping to write an email with all the details. Having a fantastic time. Watch this space....

Dad sent me a few pictures taken by Eddie this morning when a few cyclists had ridden out to meet him and accompany him for about 30km.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dad hope you have a good few days with Eddy. I'm feeling rubbish again - have tonsilitis:-( just as well I'm not cycling to Spain!! Enjoy your break and take care.
Love Fiona xx

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Malaysia - great work through the last 11 days - will be tracking your progress daily. Love to all the family.

Anonymous said...

Great going,Michael. Am now back from the Olive fields - while you were doing the lavander fields. Pleased to know that you are going to have a rest. Enjoy yourself at Chez Eddy. Why doesn't he do the last lap down to Denia along with you?
Love Eileen