Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day #10: Bressuire

Progress text From Dad to Mum:
"Lovely day - not so windy. In Bressuire, via Lencloitre, Mirebeau, Airvault. In a hotel €21.00. 93km today, total of 903km. Only about 50km from Sigournais so looking forward to 2 or 3 easy days."


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the next few days with Eddie and Bennie and have a good rest .
Lots of love xxx

Unknown said...

Mike....bloody brilliant stuff! Mikie just emailed me the link to the blog and i've really enjoyed looking over all the stuff you've posted, and hearing about your trip.

i especially enjoyed the wet-wipe story too...classic!

It goes without saying, your adventure sounds fantastic - i don't know if you have ever heard about him, but there's a wee man who, every night is found having a few pints - he starts off in Daluciano, then the Camphill and has last been spotted (by me atleast, on the odd occasion) in the Bothwell Bridge! he cycles up from the direction of the race-course ON AN ELECTRIC BIKE and is a well-kent face in these parts...due in part to his smile, and also his taking of a half of lager and a half of guinness, at the same time!! anyway - next time I see him, I'm going tell him he's a poof-cyclist, and i know a man who is headed from here to Spain!

Live the some of my clients would say - "heavy proud of you big keep batterin' on"!


Martin said...

Doing great dad - I was looking at the map last night and I thought you might have "bust a gut" to get to Sigournais tonight. Glad you didn't you wouldn't want to meet Sigournais' Mayor and not being able to breathe!
I hope you are still finding the trip as exciting and enjoyable.
Have a few days break at Eddie's and try a few bottles of the local wine, cheese, bread etc.
Look forward to getting an email - hopefully more insect/shit stories!!
Take Care and enjoy the few days rest.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike

Everything is as planned we will meet up at the parking for the Ralais between 10 and 10.30 and do the last 30 km to Sigournais together, with four members from the local cycling club from Chantonnay doing the pedalling!!.

After that there will be 'bol d'amité' (a pint or three) in the local cafe and perhaps a few words from Monsieur le Maire and the obligatory photo-call for the visiting celeb!!! YOU!!

à bientôt


Unknown said...

Hey wee man. I had to get Pog to show me how to do this.

Sounds like you're well ahead. I just ran down to Bothwell to see Pog and Joolz. How's the French going on? I get school nightmares just thinking about French. Is there a building like ours in the French Chatellerault?

Keep going, you can stop now and then but never go back and you'll get there.

Adios, un gran abrazo.