Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Brugge #3

Text from mum:
"Out for a walk in the sunshine. Just stopped in for a drink. Dad is trying a cherry beer. A horse and carriage has just passed. This place is beautiful.

Text from mum:
"Had a break from sight seeing this afternoon and sat in the park and read our books. Very hot. Now sitting having a beer before going back to get ready for dinner. What shall we have tonight? Decisions, Decisions.

Text from mum:
"Just in from our last meal in Belgium - a lovely Indian. Feel fat and bloated. A diet and the gym a must to get into shape for the wedding. Sitting on the patio of hotel - very hot, quiet and peaceful.


Martin said...

Cherry beer sounds nice!! Does that count towards your '5 a day'?

Anonymous said...

if the police stop you in the car for a breathaliser, I don't think cherry beer would lose you points on your driving license?.....or is it really like cherry brandy????????