Day #23: Belchite
Text from Dad to Mum:
"Martin called - great to here from him - 126km, 1811km in total. Rest tomorrow. In Belchite, via Alagon and Zaragoza. Will visit Zaragoza tomorrow. In a room with a bath for 2 nights."
Logging my Da's Cycling trip from Sunny Hamilton to Denia, Spain.
Text from Dad to Mum:
"Martin called - great to here from him - 126km, 1811km in total. Rest tomorrow. In Belchite, via Alagon and Zaragoza. Will visit Zaragoza tomorrow. In a room with a bath for 2 nights."
Glad you are resting tomorrow. It's about time. Enjoy Zaragoza.
Lots of love xxxxx
Michael, as you are going to hit the big city tomorrow maybe you will get to a cybercafe and catch up on the blog (don't know what I am going to do when this adventure is over and have no blog to log on to six times a day!!!!!!!)Now you all know what retired people do!
It is the greatest thing since sliced bread for us all to keep in touch.
If you haven't fallen out with religion after the barred-up Pyrenees church episode, try and get into the "Pilarica" - the cathedral in Zaragoza. It is very famous throughout Spain and there is a long, straight street nearby which has nothing but tapas bars. I can't remember what it is called, but your nose will guide you.
Afraid you are still going to get wet weather for a few days. Denia has been dull for two or three days, but only about ten minutes rain and today is sunny again.
Take time to enjoy Aragon. love EileenXXXX
Enjoy your rest Dad. The secret is out at work so I can tell you the good news - Steve is leaving!!!! Thank god might finally get some peace and even a day off now and again!!
Missing you xx
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